Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope


Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities is a semi-annual publication that started in 1979 and has been continuously maintained in various formats. It is currently open access.

Its purpose is to disseminate high-quality scientific articles that contribute to the understanding of current and past complex societies from various analytical dimensions and through transdisciplinary approaches (both theoretical and methodological) in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Articles analyzing cross-cutting themes such as migration, gender, social and regional inequalities, aging, culture, language, technology, organizations and social movements, violence, power, democracies, territory and territorialities, public policies, among others, are welcome.

Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities also considers theoretical-methodological texts developed to innovatively analyze complex and emerging issues, as well as reviews of recent and impactful works in the international scientific community.

Perspectives from Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Philosophy, Human Geography, History, Linguistics, Literature, Psychology, and Sociology, among others, come together in Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, presenting readers with various approaches to the social fabric of our reality.

The Journal is aimed at researchers and academics interested in understanding the multidimensionality and heterogeneity of diverse current social processes and issues associated with complexity.

The diversity and intersection of the Journal's approaches are linked to its institutional foundation, in the long academic tradition of the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Iztapalapa Unit, which cultivates these disciplines and promotes their intersections through inter-institutional dialogue.

The journal adheres to COPE ethical standards: http://www.cope.es/ and uses plagiarism detection software (Turnitin/iThenticate/Copyleaks).

The journal is edited and funded exclusively by the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Metropolitan Autonomous University, through its Editorial Board, at the Iztapalapa Unit. It mainly publishes in Spanish. All contributions undergo double-blind peer review by specialists (below, detailed procedures for peer review, ethical code, and manuscript presentation guidelines are indicated).

Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities provides open access to its content, based on the principle of offering the public free access to research, to facilitate greater global knowledge exchange. Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities adheres to the Budapest Declaration or Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

Section Policies

Central Theme Presentation

Verified Open Submissions Unchecked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Central Theme

Verified Open Submissions Verified Indexed Verified Peer Reviewed

Other Themes

Verified Open Submissions Verified Indexed Verified Peer Reviewed

Book Reviews

Verified Open Submissions Verified Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Reviews and Documents

Verified Open Submissions Verified Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Editorial News

Verified Open Submissions Verified Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Every manuscript received by Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee to verify its relevance and compliance with the established formal requirements. This collective body will reject proposals that do not adhere to the general guidelines set by the Journal.

In this initial stage, if, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, the manuscript does not adhere to the general guidelines, the author will be notified. Otherwise, the manuscript will be sent for assessment, to at least two recognized expert referees in the field, under the double-blind peer review modality. The reviewers will be external to the author's affiliation institution. The author will receive the reviews within a maximum period of six months.

In the case of having one positive and one negative review, a third review will be sought.

If the manuscript is approved, it will be sent back to the author for potential revisions and comments, with a deadline of ten to thirty natural days to submit the final version. The author commits to acknowledge receipt of the review within 15 days.

The final version of the article must be submitted to the Journal with shaded paragraphs indicating the introduced modifications. If, during the review, the Editorial Committee does not identify the changes, the work will not be published. Additionally, a separate document (letter) must be provided, detailing the changes made, indicating the page, the previous text, and the new text.

When a manuscript is rejected, the author will be notified via email.

If an author disagrees with the reviews, they can appeal in writing to the Editorial Committee, presenting their arguments respectfully. The Committee's decision will be final and not subject to further appeal.

The complete process, starting with the Editorial Committee's assessment of relevance for the Journal's scope and compliance with editorial standards, continuing with double-blind peer review, and ending with the author's integration of corrections, can take between a minimum of 4 months and a maximum of 6 months. The average number of weeks between submission and publication of the article is 20 weeks.


Open Access Policy

Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities provides open access to its content, based on the principle of offering the public free access to research, to facilitate greater global knowledge exchange. Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities adheres to the Budapest Declaration or Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives for conservation and restoration purposes. More...

Content Guidelines (Author Guidelines)

Scientific Research Articles

Articles must constitute original and unpublished results of research conducted in the field of social sciences and humanities, and should not be simultaneously submitted to other publications.

The length of the proposed articles may range between 7,000 and 10,000 words (including title, abstract, keywords, and authors).

The title should not exceed 13 words and must be presented in both Spanish and English.

The proposed article should be accompanied by a 150-word abstract in both Spanish and English, as well as 5 keywords in both languages that are not part of the title.

The abstract should indicate the general objective of the text, central hypotheses and/or questions, structuring concepts, any methodological reflections, as well as the empirical case if applicable and any central findings.

The title should adequately reflect the content. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to suggest title changes.

The English translation of the title, abstract, and keywords is the responsibility of the authors.

After the title in Spanish and English, the author's name(s), affiliation institution, email, and ORCID registration number should be included.

The introduction should state the general objective of the text and the argumentative structure with which this objective is addressed.

At the end of the article, bibliographic references (only those cited in the body of the text) should be included. In the case of bibliographic references to journal articles, if they are open access and have a DOI number, this location number should be provided in the virtual space. Lastly, a brief curriculum vitae of the author(s) is integrated, indicating education, affiliation institution, research lines, and any distinctions.

Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities maintains its tradition of organizing the articles of each issue into two sections: a central theme and other topics, but it is possible to publish some issues where there is no central theme.

Since its inception, the spirit of Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities has been to establish a platform for the dissemination and critical debate of knowledge that has fostered dialogue between different disciplines to address the complexity of contemporary phenomena. Its historical archive shows the major debates in the social sciences and humanities.

Similarly, Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities has been characterized to date by bringing together voices from different disciplines and diverse institutional and national contexts, as well as from various epistemic positions.

Central Theme: Defined by the Editorial Committee and in all cases characterized by addressing current social issues from different intervening dimensions and with various theoretical and methodological approaches. The Central Themes of Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities offer transversal readings in the social sciences on current phenomena and are oriented towards transdisciplinarity. In each issue of Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Central Theme brings together three to five articles.

Other Topics: Each issue of Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities includes two to four articles on various topics, characterized by transdisciplinary perspectives or defined disciplinarily. They may focus on case studies or engage in theoretical or methodological discussions. Occasionally, some articles in Other Topics announce an upcoming Central Theme, or they may also take up and expand on a discussion initiated in a previous Central Theme.

Reviews: Each issue of Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities includes one or two reviews presenting and critically discussing recent works characterized by their significant impact on current debates in the social sciences and humanities. The reviewed works preferably should have been published in the last two years. Reviews must have a minimum length of 10,000 characters with spaces, and the maximum will be 20,000 characters with spaces.

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Originality Requirement

Manuscripts must be accompanied by a signed letter of originality from all authors, guaranteeing that:

  • The document submitted to Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities has not been previously published, nor in another language (except as part of a conference or colloquium proceedings).
  • It is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Its publication has been approved by all authors and implicitly or explicitly by the competent authorities where the work is carried out.
  • If accepted, it will not be subject to another publication, whether in print or electronically.

Reception of a manuscript grants Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities the right to publish the document; however, the responsibility for the accuracy and originality of the manuscript, including bibliographic citations, lies exclusively with the authors.

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Ethical Code of Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities


Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities adheres to the Guidelines on Good Publication Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors' Ethical Commitments

Originality: Authors of manuscripts submitted to "Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities" ensure that the work is original, does not contain parts from other authors or from other fragments of previously published works by the authors beyond what is cited. They also confirm the accuracy of the data, i.e., empirical data have not been altered to verify hypotheses. Authors will avoid repeating the same results in more than one scientific journal. Simultaneously submitting the same contribution to multiple scientific journals is considered ethically incorrect.

  • Responsibility: Authors accept responsibility for their writing, having conducted a relevant evaluation of the current and relevant scientific literature on the analyzed topic, taking into account different knowledge streams in a plural manner.
  • Authorship: Authors guarantee the inclusion of those individuals who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution to the conceptualization and planning of the work, as well as in the interpretation of the results and their writing. Authors will be ranked according to their level of responsibility and involvement in the text.
  • Clarity of sources: Authors must always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.
  • Errors in published articles: If an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in their published article, they will inform the Journal's Editorial Committee and provide the necessary information to list the relevant corrections at the bottom of the same article.
  • Conflict of interests and disclosure: Authors explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the obtained results or proposed interpretations. They will also disclose any funding from agencies and/or projects from which the research article arises.

If the Editorial Committee becomes aware of non-compliance with the ethical code of originality, the article will be removed from the Journal.

If the Editorial Committee becomes aware of non-compliance with the ethical code in aspects other than originality, the author(s) will be asked to correct the error.

Ethical Commitments of Reviewers and the Editorial Committee

  • Contribution to editorial decision: Blind peer review by specialists in the field is a fundamental procedure for making decisions on the publication of articles, allowing authors to improve the proposed contribution for publication. Reviewers commit to providing a critical, honest, constructive, and unbiased evaluation of both the scientific and literary quality of the manuscript in their field of knowledge and skills.
  • Confidentiality: Each manuscript assigned to a reviewer is confidential. Therefore, reviewers will not discuss the texts with other individuals without the express consent of the Editorial Committee.
  • Objectivity: Blind peer review will be conducted objectively. Personal judgments about the authors of the contributions will be avoided. Reviewers will provide sufficient reasons in their assessment. Reviewers will deliver a complete critical report with appropriate references according to the "Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities" review format and public regulations for reviewers, especially if it is proposed that the work be rejected. To the extent they have information, reviewers will inform the Editorial Committee when substantial parts of the work have already been published or are under review for another publication.
  • Respect for deadlines: Reviewers who cannot conduct the evaluation within the scheduled time will immediately notify the Editorial Committee. Reviewers will adhere to delivery deadlines out of respect for authors and their work.
  • Text visualization: Reviewers will accurately indicate the bibliographic references of fundamental works they believe are missing from the text, even if necessary. Reviewers will inform the Editorial Committee of any similarities or overlaps in the manuscript with other published works, if they are aware of them.
  • Conflict of interests and disclosure: Any information obtained during the blind peer review process must be considered confidential and will not be used for personal purposes. Reviewers will only review a manuscript if there are no conflicts of interest.
  • Publication decision: The Editorial Committee will ensure the selection of the most qualified and scientifically specialized reviewers to provide a critical and expert assessment of the work, with the least possible bias. "Iztapalapa. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities" chooses to select between 2 and 3 reviewers for each work to ensure the greatest objectivity in the review process. Also, the Editorial Committee will ensure that reviewers are external to the author's affiliation institution.
  • Honesty: The Editorial Committee evaluates the articles received for publication based on the scientific merit of the content, without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, or political opinion of the authors.
  • Confidentiality: Members of the Editorial Committee commit not to disclose information regarding articles received for publication to individuals other than the authors and reviewers. The Editorial Committee commits to the confidentiality of manuscripts, their authors, and reviewers, ensuring that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the entire process.
  • Conflict of interests and disclosure: The Editorial Committee commits not to use content from articles received for publication in their research without the written consent of the author.
  • Respect for deadlines: The Editorial Committee is responsible for meeting the time limits for reviews and the publication of accepted works to ensure a rapid dissemination of their results. It commits to meeting the established deadlines (a minimum of 40 days for the estimation/rejection of texts from receipt on the review platform and a maximum of 180 days from the start of the review process). Additionally, accepted works will not remain unpublished on indefinite waiting lists.

If the Journal's Editorial Committee becomes aware of non-compliance with any of the mentioned aspects, before closing said review process, the received review will not be considered, and the evaluator will be removed from the corresponding database. If the Editorial Committee becomes aware of non-compliance with any of the mentioned aspects after having closed the evaluation process in question, the evaluator will be removed from the corresponding database.

About the Editorial Committee of Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

Constitution and Structure

To be an internal member of the Editorial Committee of Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, the following is required:

a) Be a full-time professor;

b) Belong to a Research Area of the Division;

c) Have a recognized prestige in the respective field of knowledge, and

d) Regularly publish in high-level specialized media.


To be an external member of the Editorial Committee of Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, the following is required:

a) Have a solid published work in the field of expertise, in journals or books with international arbitration, and

b) Be a nationally or internationally recognized researcher.


Functions of the Editorial Committee Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

1. Design the editorial policy of its Editorial Line of the Journal, as well as propose to the Divisional Council any modifications (suppressions, alterations, or additions to publication programs or publication series) deemed relevant.

2. Submit to the Divisional Council, through the General Coordinator, the editorial guidelines to be followed.

3. Ensure that the submitted manuscripts meet the requirements established in the editorial guidelines of its Editorial Line; oversee the review process at all stages and, if necessary, authorize the publication of the text.

4. Propose and approve, consulting the Research Areas of the Division, the members of the Reviewers Directory for their editorial line.

5. Collaborate with the General Coordinator in the review, editing, and dissemination process of its editorial line.

6. Cooperate in the development of the programs, projects, and budgetary needs of its editorial line.

7. Organize academic activities that support the editorial development of the Division.

8. Prepare the Annual Activity Report.

9. All those indicated as their responsibility in the editorial guidelines of their Editorial Line.


Operation of the Editorial Committee of Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities,

1. The Editorial Committee of Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities will meet twice a year in regular sessions, and as many times as necessary in extraordinary sessions.

2. The quorum to start the Editorial Committees' meetings will be half plus one of its members, in the case of the first call.

3. In case the required quorum is not met, a second call will be made within a maximum period of five business days. In case the required quorum is not met, the session will start thirty minutes later with the number of present councilors.

4. From each session, the General Coordinator must proceed to draw up a minutes of agreements, which, after reading, will be submitted for approval by the Editorial Committee at its next session.

5. Agreements will be considered valid when supported by the majority vote of the councilors present.

Functions of the International Advisory Committee of Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

The International Advisory Committee of Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities is an external advisory body, consisting of nationally and internationally renowned researchers in the areas of knowledge of the Journal. Its functions are:


  1. Advise the Editorial Committee in defining the scientific quality parameters of the Journal.
  2. Make suggestions to improve the work of the Editorial Committee.
  3. Promote and disseminate the Journal in national and international academic media.
  4. Invite recognized members of the national and international academic community to publish research results in the Journal.
  5. Submit article proposals for the Journal.
  6. Participate in the review of articles related to their specialty.
  7. Propose academic experts to conduct assessments of received articles.

Review Process

Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities thanks the reviewers for their availability and commitment to maintaining the quality and vocation of our journal.

Review Process

  • The Author submits the manuscript.
  • The Editorial Committee carries out a pre-review of the manuscript.
  • If the pre-review is favorable, the Editorial Committee prepares a list of possible reviewers and sends the requests.
  • Confirmation of the reviewers' acceptance, sending them the manuscript and two forms, one for reviewing and another for curriculum data.
  • The reviewer sends their evaluation.
  • The Editorial Committee makes a decision and contacts the author.

Objective of Peer Review

The Journal maintains a double-blind review process. The main objective of the process is the selection of high-quality manuscripts for the journal. At the same time, the process should provide authors with feedback that is useful to their work. The key to the process lies in the independent assessments of two anonymous reviewers.

Reviewer's Recommendation to the Editorial Committee

It will be one of the following:

  • Accept in its current state (Yes)
  • Accept (Yes, with minor revisions) if a manuscript is clearly acceptable. Any minor comments that help improve the document will be transmitted to the author.
  • Accept (Yes, with essential modifications) if a manuscript is acceptable but it is essential for the author to make imperative changes in the document resulting from detailed reviewer comments.
  • Reject (No) if a manuscript is clearly unacceptable, the reasons will be specified.

Comments for the author

Reviewers will adhere to the format, endeavoring to substantiate their observations and suggestions clearly and concisely.

Key Criteria

The reviewer will consider the following criteria:

1. Relevance and originality. The manuscript must be an original contribution in its field of study and/or be of interest to a wide range of readers
2. Quality. Are there inconsistencies or other problems detected in the document? Specify which ones. If the document has errors or inconsistencies, is it feasible for the author to submit a corrected version within a period of 10 to 30 days?
3. Persuasiveness. Does the document provide enough information to support the arguments presented? Does the document use methods and arguments adapted to the available data and facts under discussion?
4. Clarity. Does the document efficiently lead to the main results or the stated objective? Could its structure be changed to present the results and/or arguments more clearly? Are all sections of the document relevant and necessary according to the objective?

Double-Blind Review

The Journal seeks to ensure that no reviewer knows the identity of both the Author and the other Reviewer and vice versa. Sometimes, the author's identity may be obvious (for example, when a preliminary version of the manuscript has been presented at an academic meeting or published, or due to the topic discussed). Nevertheless, the Reviewer must conduct a fair and balanced evaluation of the manuscript. In any case, under no circumstances will the identity of the Reviewers be revealed to third parties or the Author.

  1. Integrity of the Peer Review Process. Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities takes the peer review process very seriously. Reviewers must treat manuscripts and data, along with any other information contained in the manuscript, strictly confidentially and not share it with third parties. If there is any conflict of interest, the Reviewer must inform the Editorial Committee.
  2. Deadlines. In Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, we seek to have timely but careful reviews of manuscripts submitted for review. To achieve this, Reviewers are requested to submit their reviews within a maximum of 6 weeks from the day they receive the manuscript, unless a different agreement has been established with the Editorial Committee.

Sending the Review

It will be sent to the Editorial Committee through the electronic system designed for this purpose on the website: revistaiztapalapa.itz.uam.mx and in the format established and available on this page.

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Digital Preservation Policy

Digital Preservation Policy

Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities preserves all electronically published documents in its editorial office. Additionally, the Coordination of Document Services at the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Iztapalapa Unit, supports and protects its online page. The Document Services Coordination (Library) of this institution is creating a digital repository that allows digital access to documents, as well as their long-term preservation and future transfer to different digital formats when required.

San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment

Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities adheres to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).



Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Authors of the texts are entirely responsible for the content of their contributions and ensuring that they are original and unpublished.

As a policy for plagiarism prevention, Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities reserves the right to review, using specialized anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin/iThenticate/Copyleaks), all texts submitted for publication, using the usual criteria to detect such practices. A basic guide on the most common plagiarism practices can be found on COPE.

If plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will be rejected for publication. The Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Committee will review the case and, based on its severity, determine a sanction.


Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (RI) is committed to accepting for peer review articles that have circulated as preprints, i.e., versions that have not undergone academic peer review but correspond to research in initial stages: working papers, conference presentations, extended abstracts appearing in proceedings, and mainly, degree theses. Furthermore, this journal allows authors to disseminate the postprint on personal sites or repositories as long as RI is properly cited as the original source of the manuscript. It is worth noting that RI publishes unpublished contributions, a condition that is not lost by circulating in preprint form. For this reason, it does not accept documents that have been or are being reviewed by another publisher, regardless of their nature.

Total Exemption from Fees

Iztapalapa Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (RI) is entirely funded by the Editorial Board of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Iztapalapa Unit. Therefore, it has no cost (requires no payments) for both authors and readers, neither for editorial production, publication, dissemination of articles nor any other reason. Consequently, it does not require policies to exempt specific authors, readers, or institutions from payments, as its general policy is a total exemption from fees.