The Rural Society at the End of the Century: Integra- tion or Exclusion?
rural society, end of the century, integration, exclusionAbstract
This paper intends to explain the role of rural societies in the development strategies of different countries and regions at the end of this century. Consequently, it tries to establish a parallel between the industrialized world and developing countries, particularly Latin American ones. The former has been characterized for their integration strategies, while, other that a few exceptions, the latter have followed one of exclusion. Thus, in the case of Europe, Japan and the United States, the rural sector has enjoyed different kinds of government support in the field of agriculture, industry and services, which contrasts sharply with the impov erished Latin-American countryside. Today, in view of the disintegration tendencies of globalization, this gap seems to be growing even wider and its impact is being felt violently in peripheral economies.
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