The international mobility of highly skilled young Italians: Motivations, experiences and expectations



International mobility and migration, Italy, high-skilled young people, economic crisis, brain drain


The economic and financial crisis begun in 2007-2008 has witnessed an increase in the international migratory flows of young Italians, especially of the high-skilled ones. The Italian case is very peculiar since Italy is one of the OECD countries and is the fourth largest economy in the European Union. The results presented in this paper are based on in-depth interviews conducted with fifteen young Italians with a university degree. The main topics addressed include: (i) per sonal and individual characteristics of the young migrants, (ii) main motivations and determinants of mobility decision, (iii) mobility experience, (iv) future life prospects and plans. Our research shows that the international mobility of high-skilled young Italians is due to structural and systemic factors as much as driven by psychological and cultural elements.


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Author Biography

Barbara Staniscia, Universidad de Roma La Sapienza – Departamento de Estudios Europeos, Americanos e Interculturales, Roma, Italia

Barbara Staniscia es doctora en Geografía Económica por la Universidad de Bari, Italia. Se desempeña como profesora investigadora de la Universidad La Sapienza de Roma, donde imparte Geografía del Turismo. Es secretaria científica de la Comisión UGI “Global Change and Human Mobility-Globility” y miembro del grupo de investigación del proyecto “Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe”. Entre sus publicaciones recientes: A. Montanari y B. Staniscia (2017), “Young Italians on the move”, en B. Glorius y J. Domínguez-Mujica (eds.), “European Mobility in Times of Crisis. The new context of European South-North Migration”, Bielefeld, pp. 49-73; G. Gallo y B. Staniscia (2016), “Italian youth mobility in the last two decades: an overview in eight selected EU countries”, Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 65(4), pp. 345-360; C. Mendoza, B. Staniscia y A. Ortiz-Guitart (2016), “Migración y movilidad de las personas calificadas: nuevos enfoques teóricos, territorios y actores”, Biblio 3W – Revista Bibliográfica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, XXI; P. Pumares, B. González-Martin, A. Montanari y B. Staniscia (2017), “Movilidad juvenil recíproco entre Italia y España: una cuestión de las afinidades electivas”, Population, Space and Place,


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